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Monday 23 October 2017

2500 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics | Download

2500 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics | Download 

2500 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics | Download

2500 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics | Download

Download link is here.


Saturday 14 October 2017

Fluid Mechanics | Question Bank | Interview Questions [Answers Here] - Part 3

Fluid Mechanics | Question Bank | Interview Questions [Answers Here] - Part 3

Another Part of the Fluid Mechanics Question Bank, Interview Question and Answers. In this part, there are 10 questions. Kindly go through them.
If you have not seen part 1 and 2, Click on the link below respectively:

31. A right circular cylinder open at the top is filled with liquid and rotated about its vertical axis at such a speed that half the liquid spills out, then the pressure intensity at the centre of bottom is
a) zero
b) one-fourth  its  value when  cylinder was full
c) one-half its value when cylinder was full
d) cannot be predicted from the given data
Ans: a

32. The horizontal component of force on a curved surface is equal to the
a) product of pressure intensity at its centroid and area
b) force on a vertical projection of the curved surface
c) weight of liquid vertically above the curved surface
d) force on the horizontal projection of the curved surface
Ans: b

33. A closed tank containing water is moving in a horizontal direction along a straight line at a constant speed. The tank also contains a steel ball and a bubble of air. If the tank is decelerated horizontally, then
i)    the ball will move to the front 
ii)   the bubble will move to the front 
iii) the ball will move to the rear 
iv)  the bubble will move to the rear Find out which of the above statements are correct ?
a) (i) and (ii)
b) (i)and(iv)
c) (ii) and (iii)
d) (iii) and (iv)
Ans: b

34. The eddy viscosity for turbulent flow is
a) a function of temperature only
b) a physical property of the fluid.
c) dependent on the flow
d) independent of the flow
Ans: c

35. Flow at constant rate through a tapering pipe is
i) steady flow
ii) uniform flow
iii) unsteady flow
iv) non-uniform flow
The correct answer is
a) (i) and (ii)
b) (i)and(iv)
c) (ii) and (iii)
d) (ii) and (iv)
Ans: b
36. In a two dimensional incompressible steady flow around an airfoil, the stream lines are 2 cm apart at a great distance from the airfoil, where the velocity is 30 m/sec. The velocity near the airfoil, where the stream lines are 1.5 cm apart, is
a) 22.5 m/sec.
b) 33 m/sec.
c) 40 m/sec.
d) 90 m/sec.
Ans: c

38. When the velocity distribution is uniform over the cross-section, the correction factor for momentum is
a) 0
b) 1
c) 4/3
d) 2
Ans: b

39. Least possible value of correction factor for
i) kinetic energy is zero
ii) kinetic energy is 1
iii) momentum is zero
iv) momentum is 1
The correct statements are
a) (i) and (iii)
b) (ii) and (iii)
c) (i) and (iv)
d) (ii) and (iv)
Ans: d

40. If the velocity is zero over half of the cross-sectional area and is uniform over the remaining half, then the momentum correction factor is
a) 1
b) 4/3
c) 2
d) 4
Ans: c

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Fluid Mechanics | Question Bank | Interview Questions [Answers Here] - Part 2

Fluid Mechanics | Question Bank | Interview Questions [Answers Here] - Part 2

This is the part 2 of the Questions on Fluid Mechanics | Question Bank | Interview Questions. The answers are also provided and attached to the questions. If you did not see the part 1, click HERE.

Study the below Fluid Mechanics Questions and Answers and be familiar with the questions.

21. Centre of buoyancy always
a) coincides with the centre of gravity
b) coincides with the centroid of the volume of fluid displaced
c) remains above the centre of gravity
d) remains below the centre of gravity
Ans: b

22. If the weight of a body immersed in a fluid exceeds the buoyant force, then the body will
a) rise until its weight equals the buoyant force
b) tend to move downward and it may finally sink
c) float
d) none of the above
Ans: b

23. Metacentric height for small values of angle of heel is the distance between the
a) centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy
b) centre of gravity and metacentre
c) centre of buoyancy and metacentre
d) free surface and centre of buoyancy
Ans: b

24. A floating body is said to be in a state of stable equilibrium
a) when its metacentric height is zero
b) when the metacentre is above the centre of gravity
c) when the metacentre is below the centre of gravity
d) only when its centre of gravity is below its centre of buoyancy
Ans: b

25.   The increase in metacentric height
i)    increases stability
ii)   decreases stability
iii) increases comfort for passengers
iv) decreases comfort for passengers
The correct answer is
a)    (i) and (iii)
b) (i)and(iv)
c) (ii) and (iii)
d) (ii) and (iv)
Ans: b

26. A rectangular block 2 m long, 1 m wide and 1 m deep floats in water, the depth of immersion being 0.5 m. If water weighs 10 kN/m3, then the weight of the block is
a) 5kN
b) lOkN
c) 15 kN
d) 20 kN
Ans: b

27. The point in the immersed body through which the resultant pressure of the liquid may be taken to act is known as
a) centre of gravity
b) centre of buoyancy
c) centre of pressure
d) metacentre
Ans: c

28. If a vessel containing liquid moves downward with a constant acceleration equal to 'g' then
a) the  pressure  throughout the  liquid mass is atmospheric
b) there will be vacuum in the liquid
c) the pressure in the liquid mass is greater than hydrostatic pressure
d) none of the above
Ans: a

29. When a liquid rotates at a constant angular velocity about a vertical axis as a rigid body, the pressure intensity varies
a) linearly with radial distance
b) as the square of the radial distance
c) inversely as the square of the radial distance
d) inversely as the radial distance
Ans: b

30. An open cubical tank of 2 m side is filled with water. If the tank is rotated with an acceleration such that half of the water spills out, then the acceleration is equal to
a) g/3
b) g/2
c) 2g/3
d) g
Ans: d

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Fluid Mechanics | Question Bank | Interview Questions [Answers Here] - Part 1

Fluid Mechanics | Question Bank | Interview Questions [Answers Here] - Part 1

You will find these fluid Mechanics Questions and Answers friendly. It is always good to practice enough questions before going into the examinaition hall. All theses questions we have provided here will help you alot in GATE Preparation, Other interview questions, and other Engineering Examinations.

Please take time to go through all these questions.

1. Pascal-second is the unit of
a) pressure
b) kinematic viscosity
c) dynamic viscosity
d) surface tension
Ans: c

2. An ideal fluid is
a) one which obeys Newton's law of viscosity
b) frictionless and incompressible
c) very viscous
d) frictionless and compressible
Ans: b

3. The unit of kinematic viscosity is
a) gm/cm-sec2
b) dyne-sec/cm2
c) gm/cm2-sec
d) cm2/sec
Ans: d

4. If the dynamic viscosity of a fluid is 0.5 poise and specific gravity is 0.5, then the kinematic viscosity of that fluid in stokes is
a) 0.25
b) 0.50
c) 1.0
d) none of the above
Ans: c

5.     The viscosity of a gas
a) decreases with increase in temperature
b) increases with increase in temperature
c) is independent of temperature
d) is independent of pressure for very high pressure intensities
Ans: b

6.       Newton's law of viscosity relates
a)    intensity of pressure and rate of angular deformation
b) shear stress and rate of angular de¬formation
c) shear stress, viscosity and tempe¬rature
d) viscosity and rate of angular defor¬mation
Ans: b

7. An open tank contains 1 m deep water with 50 cm depth of oil of specific gravity 0.8 above it. The intensity of pressure at the bottom of tank will be
a) 4 kN/m2
b) 10 kN/m2
c) 12 kN/m2
d) 14 kN/m2
Ans: d

8. The position of centre of pressure on a plane surface immersed vertically in a static mass of fluid is
a) at the centroid of the submerged area
b) always above the centroid of the area
c) always below the centroid of the area
d) none of the above
Ans: c

9.     The total pressure on a plane surface inclined at an angle 9 with the horizontal is equal to
a) PA
b) pA sin 9
c) pA cos 9
d) pA tan 9
where p is pressure intensity at centroid of area and A is area of plane surface.
Ans: a

10. A vertical rectangular plane surface is submerged in water such that its top and bottom surfaces are 1.5 m and 6.0 m res-pectively below the free surface. The position of centre of pressure below the free surface will be at a distance of
a) 3.75 m
b) 4.0 m
c) 4.2m
d) 4.5m
Ans: c

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Thursday 28 September 2017

Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics MCQs - Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions

Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics MCQs - Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions 

Download Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics MCQs - Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions All in PDF.


Welcome to this page as you will be finding the materials you were looking for. Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics MCQs - Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions.

To Download Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics MCQs - Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions,

1. Click on Any of the below links to download from Google Drive.

The Above Multiple Choice Questions are important for the following
  • UPSE ESE Civil Engineering exam,
  • SSC Junior Engineer Civil exam,
  • GATE Civil Engineering,
  • Other State Assistant Engineers examinations,
  • Other States Junior Engineers examinations,
  • Other PSUs examinations,
  • RRB SSE exams,
  • RRB JE exams.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Different Types of Foundation | Classification of Building Foundation

Different Types of Foundation

Different Types of Foundation

  1. To distribute the load of the structure over a large bearing area.
  2. To load the bearing surface at uniform rate so as to avoid unequal settlement.
  3. To prevent the lateral movement of the supporting material.
  4. To increase the stability of the structure as a whole.

Shallow Foundation
Wall FootingIsolated column/Column FootingCombined FootingCantilever (Strap) FootingMat (Raft) FoundationDeep Foundation
Pile FoundationPier FoundationWell (Caissons) Foundation
Factors affecting the selection of Foundation

Foundation are classified on the basis of load transmission to the ground into two sub-categories i.e. shallow foundation and deep foundation.

Shallow Foundation

Shallow foundation are those foundations in which the depth at which the foundation is placed is less than the width of the foundation (D < B). Shallow foundations are generally termed as spread footing as they transmit the load of the super structure laterally into the ground.

Classification of Shallow Foundation:

On the basis of design, the shallow foundation are classified as:

Wall FootingIsolated column or Column FootingCombined FootingCantilever (Strap) FootingMat (Raft) FoundationWall Footing

This type of foundation runs continuous along the direction of the wall and helps to transmit the load of the wall into the ground. Wall footing are suitable where loads to be transmitted are small and are economical in dense sands and gravels. In this type of foundation the width is 2-3 times the width of the wall at ground level. Wall footing may be constructed through stone, brick, plain or reinforced cement concrete.

Column Footing

Column footing are suitable and economical for the depth greater than 1.5m. In this type of foundation the base of the column is enlarged. Column footing is in the form of flat slab and may be constructed through plain or reinforced concrete.

Combined Footing

Combined footings are those foundations that are made common for two or more columns in a row. It is used when the footing for a column may extend beyond the property line. It is also suitable when the two columns are closely spaced and the soil on which the structure resist is of low bearing capacity. It may be rectangular or trapezoidal in shape.

Strap Footing

When an edge footing cannot be extended beyond the property line the edge footing is linked up with the other interior footing by means of a strap beam. Such footings are called as strap footing. It is also know as cantilever footing.

Mat Foundation

A mat foundation is a combined footing which covers the entire area beneath of a structure and supports all the walls and columns. It is also known as raft foundation. Mat foundation is applicable when:

  1. Allowable bearing pressure is low.
  2. The structure is heavy.
  3. The site is with highly compressible layer.

The mat foundation can be further classified into following types:

  1. Flat slab type.
  2. Flat Slab thickened under column.
  3. Two way beam and slab type.
  4. Flat slab with pedestals.
  5. Rigid frame mat.
  6. Piled mat.

Deep Foundation

Deep Foundation are those foundations in which the depth of the foundation is greater than its width (D>B). The D/B ratio is usually 4-5 for deep foundation. Unlike shallow foundation, the deep foundation transmits the load of the superstructure vertically to the rock strata lying deep. Deep foundations are used when the shallow foundation cannot support the load of the structure.

Classification of Deep Foundation

The mat foundation can be further classified into following types:

Pile FoundationPier FoundationWell (Caissons) Foundation

Pile Foundation

Pile is a slender member with small area of cross-section relative to its length. They can transfer load either by friction or by bearing. Pile foundation are used when:

  1. The load is to be transferred to stronger or less compressible stratum, preferably rock.
  2. The granular soils need to be compacted.
  3. The horizontal and the inclined forces need to be carried from the bridge abutments and the retaining walls.

Classification of Pile Foundation

The pile foundation can be further classified into following types on various basis such as function, material, method of installation which are listed below:

Based on Function:

Bearing pilesFriction pilesCombined piles (Both bearing and friction)
Based on Material:

Timber pilesConcrete pilesSteel piles
Based on Method of Installation:

Large displacement pilesSmall displacement pilesNon-displacement piles

 Pier Foundation

Pier foundation are underground cylindrical structural member that support heavier load of the structure which shallow foundations cannot resist. Unlike pile foundation, pier foundation can only transfer load by bearing. Pier foundation are shallower in depth than the pile foundation. Pier foundation are used when:

  1. The top strata is a decomposed rock underlying as sound rock strata.
  2. The soil is a stiff clay that occurs large resistance for driving the bearing pile.

Well (Caissons) Foundation

The term caisson refers to box or a case. These are hollow inside and are usually constructed at the site and sunk in place into a hard bearing strata. As they are expensive in construction, they are usually restricted to major foundation works. Well foundation are suitable when the soil contains large boulders obstructing the penetration during installation of pier or pile foundations. Caissons are used for bridge piers, abutments in rivers and lakes and other shore protection works. They are used to resist heavy vertical and horizontal loads and are used in the construction of large water front structures as pump houses.

Classification of Well Foundation

Open Caissons
Pneumatic Caissons
Box Caissons

Factors affecting the selection of Foundation:

On the basis of ground/soil condition

  1. Shallow foundations are preferred where soil close to the surface is capable of supporting structure loads.
  2. Where the ground close to the surface is not capable of supporting structural loads, hard strata is searched for and deep foundation is required.
  3. Uniform stable ground requires relatively shallow foundation whereas filled up ground has low bearing capacity thus requires deep foundation.

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